Package bill.util.gui

Interface Summary
GUIUtilInterface Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to be able to use the AddKeyValueFrame class.
HighlightInterface Interface to be implemented by any frames that have required field highlighting that can be turned on and off.
JTextFieldFilterInterface Interface to be implemented and JTextField extension classes that perform filtering on the characters entered in them.
ToolTipInterface Interface to be implemented by any frames that have tool tips that can be turned on and off.

Class Summary
AddKeyValueFrame Class responsible for creating and updating a generic KeyValue object.
ErrorFrame Class responsible for creating and updating the error page frame used to tell the user errors that should be fixed before the data defined is all valid.
FileFilterExtension This is an extension of the standard Java FileFilter class.
HelpAboutFrame Class responsible for displaying information about the application such as the application name, version information, and copyright notice.
JListMulti Extends the JList class to allow the user to select multiple list items by specifying a Vector of items to select.
JTableCSV JTable widget based on a CSV parser.
JTextFieldEnter This is special implementation of the JTextField class that "unmaps" the enter key.
JTextFieldEnterFilter This is special implementation of the JTextFieldEnter class that filters out invalid characters from the user's input.
JTextFieldFilter This is special implementation of the JTextField class that filters out invalid characters from the user's input.
JTextFieldFilterDocument This class is a special subclass of the JTextFieldMaxCharsDocument class.
JTextFieldMaxChars This is special implementation of the JTextField class that restricts the number of characters the user can enter into the text field.
JTextFieldMaxCharsDocument This class is a special subclass of the default (PlainDocument) document model.
ParentGUI "Master" Swing GUI class.
ProjectConfiguration Class responsible for reading and writing the project configuration file.
TableModelCSV Table model for a JTable that bases it's data on a CSV file.